Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jasper Fforde: The Eyre Affair

I saw my sister in New York a couple months ago and she was enthralled in the Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde. Much like me, she would periodically burst out laughing at something in the book. I asked her to read me a couple of the passages and decided after hearing the excerpts that I needed to read this series, too.

I got home from New York at the end of October, got the first book at the library, and started reading The Eyre Affair. Despite the fact that I also started National Novel Writing Month on the first of November, I made time to finish reading this book.

It was such a fun read, which I expected, but it was also very action packed, which I did not expect. I love Fforde's tone and humor but he also managed to throw in some great tension. It was a quick read, partly because it is not very long and partly because I could not put it down.

I highly recommend this book and I am excited to read the next one which I will be picking up from the library this afternoon. Note: there is some adult language in a couple of sections.

Have you read the Thursday Next series? Your thoughts? Have you read anything else by Jasper Fforde you see fit to recommend?

Plock plock.

Last note: The day after I finished the book I got an email from Jasper Fforde! It was through Nanowrimo, but I thought it funny to open my inbox and see his name there.

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