Sunday, October 11, 2009

GO TEAM! Pep Talk

I was in desperate need of a pep talk earlier this week. I felt worn out and bogged down with all the things I've been worrying about. Work has been stressful to the point of craziness this week which really saps my motivation for anything else. I missed a couple of days here on the blog, I procrastinated Nano planning, and I convinced myself that I had nothing worth writing. I'm feeling better now, but I really could have gone for some positive reinforcement. So for all those of you out there who just aren't feelin' it, this one's for you (and me)!

Have a day job? Yeah, me too. Here are some tips on how to keep it from killing your writing career from David Anaxagoras. The blog is geared toward screenwriting, but I think his advice is helpful for all kinds of writing. His tips include knowing what you want, setting goals, taking daily action toward your goal, making your day job seem smaller by starting and ending your day with writing, washing the day away, and structuring your life around your writing.

Find some passion. You know those people who get so excited about one subject or another? And the people who enjoy the life they're living because they found something to be passionate about? Be one of those people. Leo Babauta outlines how to infuse your blog with passion over at ProBlogger, but his advice is perfect for writing in general, too. Write what you're passionate about, or find something to be passionate about if you don't really have a passion yet. Put some music on, get yourself a beverage, write passionately, and read others who are passionate. There's nothing like a little passion to get you motivated!

A post at Pimp My Novel on persistence that made me smile. And let's face it, a smile is one of the best ways to start feeling uplifted, hopeful, and motivated to keep working toward your dreams.

Is your inner critic making you depressed? Feel like you have nothing worth saying and that no one will ever care what you write? I know, he's so mean! Read this from Allegra Goodman on how to calm that critic and get back to work. Concentrate on your writing, love your material, and tell your story as only you can.

Shake off the negative feelings, leave the weight of the world and worries behind just long enough to write. You can do it, you should do it, you will do it. Go, now, and overcome all those doubts and fears. May the force be with you.

Yay! Go Team!!

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