Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Beauty of Punctuation

One of my favorite gifts I received for Christmas this year is an illustrated copy of Eats, Shoots & Leaves. Sadly, I have never read this book and I am now coming to realize that it is one that everyone who loves the English language, words, reading, and writing should have conquered. I'm still on the first chapter and I absolutely love it so far. I will be sure and write a complete review when I finish the last page but I just had to post about it right now because I am just bursting with enthusiasm over the wit and tone of this book.

Read it now. I mean, seriously, go get it right this instant!


Anonymous said...

Has she talked about opal fruits yet? you let me know when she does, k? enjoy the read!


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, that's freaky. I didn't realize that I commented here already. I was going to say something about opal fruits...again.