Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Link Line-up

So here are some new links for ya'll. Considering it's still November I tried to give you NaNoWriMo related type things. Let me know what you think and enjoy!

Jeffrey Tang has a guest post up over at Zen Habits of 12 ways to Defeat Burnout and Stay Motivated. Some of these are really helpful for me while I'm trying to stay on track with NanoWrimo.

Waiting around for inspiration to strike? Seth Baker tells you to get out there and start working in The Secret to Creative Inspiration. For those of you working diligently on your Nano projects, there is a reason the inspiration is flowing so fast...

Tips & Advice
I usually consider myself a rather fast writer. Some scenes are faster than others and sometimes it's hard to get going. Dean Rieck gives us 5 Ways to Double Your Writing Productivity and increase your S.P.E.E.D.

Hone Your Skills
I've noticed while I'm furiously scribbling words down for my novel that I am lacking in the dialogue department. How do you give your characters voice? How do you create interesting and dynamic conversation? Fortunately, Laura Cross over at About A Screenplay says that "creating effective dialogue is challenging for many writers. But crafting good dialogue is a skill that can be mastered by anyone." Then she gives us 12 characteristics of great dialogue.

The Cherry on Top
Some of these photos submitted for the National Geographic International Photography Contest 2009 are absolutely amazing - they get me thinking of stories almost immediately.

Now, it's back to writing!

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